Translation and editing of archaeological texts

The publication of the results of excavations and other related archaeological projects in venues of international reputation is an integral part of archaeological research. Most require submissions to be produced in English or occasionally other languages. It is therefore unsurprising that in spite of the difficulties they face, many archaeologists and in particular Greeks, choose to publish their work either directly in English or to employ professional translators.

In order to provide such a service and a central portal for translation and editing services in Greece, the Archaeologist’s Home collaborates with archaeologists with knowledge and experience from a wide range of periods and topic areas.

Amazonomachy scene from the frieze of the temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae (420-410 BC). British Museum. O. M. von Stackelberg, <i>Der Apollotempel zu Bassae in Arcadien</i> (1826), pl. XIII.
Amazonomachy scene from the frieze of the temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae (420-410 BC). British Museum. O. M. von Stackelberg, Der Apollotempel zu Bassae in Arcadien (1826), pl. XIII.