A new idea

Greeks are blessed to swim in the curative waters of Greek antiquity, as the Greek poet Kostis Palamas wrote. We are born into and live our lives embraced by one of the oldest and most significant civilisations in the world. We are surrounded by our past at every stage of our daily lives.


As children we grow up with Aesop’s fables and as we get older, we progress to the labours of Hercules and Theseus, followed by Homer’s epic poems and then the philosophical texts of Plato and Aristotle. We walk between and fall in love next to ancient monuments; we attend performances in ancient theatres and get festive during panigyria (feasts), honouring saints who are worshiped in byzantine and post-byzantine churches. We are blessed to hear the ancient Greek language in every day experiences, let alone at the most important moments in our lives, such as our marriage or the baptism of our children.

Birth of the goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom. C. Lenormant &amp; J. de Witte, <i>Élite des monuments céramographiques</i> I (1844), pl. LVIII.
Birth of the goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom. C. Lenormant & J. de Witte, Élite des monuments céramographiques I (1844), pl. LVIII.

Ancient Greece is the cradle of European civilization and continues to be an inspiration for many cultures around the world. Greek antiquities are hosted in many of the most important museums. The ancient Classical world was a major attraction for early travellers during the 16th -18th centuries, to experience Greek antiquities first hand, often at their own peril. In the same way, Greek culture is without a doubt a major driving force behind the millions of tourists who visit Greece each year.


Although our cultural heritage is the cornerstone of modern Greece, as well as the present and future of its people, it is sad that many Greeks do not appear to understand its value; but even worse they see it as hindrance to the financial development and prosperity of the country. Over the last few years, dozens of monuments and archaeological sites have been sacrificed on the altar of economic development. Once again Giorgos Seferis’s wise words are not heeded: “obliterating a piece of the past is like obliterating a related piece of the future”.


However, the Greek culture is a vocal source of inspiration, creation and economic prosperity. Economic prosperity can be achieved if development and culture grow together, based on mutual respect and understanding. In this context, a company dedicated to Greek culture and archaeology can bring new ideas and suggestions, and give them back their lost prestige and value.


During these difficult years of economic and intellectual crisis, such a new company, with the title ‘Archaeologist’s Home’, came true, thanks to the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) for start-up companies. The Archaeologist’s Home aims to provide a home for all archaeologists as well as those who work in the field of cultural heritage in general. It begins its work with archaeological services (e.g. digitisation of documents) together with a new editorial house. In the future its aims will be expanded to include other activities in the domains of archaeology and cultural heritage, and in particular the creation of new archaeological shop.

Greeks are born into and live their lives embraced by one of the oldest and most significant civilisations in the world. They are surrounded by their past at every stage of their daily lives.