Name & Logo


From the outset the objective of this new project was for the company to accommodate the many different activities carried out by archaeologists. Three potential names were shortlisted: Home of Archaeology, Archaeological Ηome and Αrchaeologist’s Ηome. Eventually Αrchaeologist’s Ηome was chosen as it was considered closest to what the company wishes to become; a real home for archaeologists and those involved in all aspects of the science of archaeology and culture.

Various suggestions of a logo for the Archaeologist’s Ηome and the one finally selected in black.
Various suggestions of a logo for the Archaeologist’s Ηome and the one finally selected in black.


Over five hundred designs of houses and temples from all periods of the Greek civilisation, were selected and digitized in order to provide inspiration for the company logo. In the end the logo was based on potters’ marks that represent houses; and in particular on marks of individual potters found on vases from the Middle Minoan period (c. 1900-1700 BC). These designs, very simple in form, consist of a timeless representation of a house found in any period, from the Neolithic times until today.

Neolithic period (6500-3000 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Early brinze period (3000-2000 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Middle bronze period (2000-1600 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Late bronze period (1600-1000 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Geometric period (1000-700 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Archaic period (700-490 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Classical period (490-323 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Hellenistic period (323-31 B.C.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Roman period (31 B.C. – 324 A.D.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Byzantine period (324-1453 A.D.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Post byzantine period (1453-1821 A.D.)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Modern times (1821 A.D. – today)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

The Αrchaeologist’s Ηome sets out to become a real Home for archaeologists and all those engaged in the science of archaeology and culture.